So against my better judgement, and mostly because I have a new pocket camera that I wanted to try out, here's a minute or so of what the 545 sounds like as I received it. I haven't haven't even changed strings yet. Apologies in advance for the crap playing and wearing a hat indoors

I'm using the neck pickup the entire time and have the "Bass Enhancer" (which is a reverse tone control really) at around 80%. You can really hear the big open woody sound. Well I reckon you can anyway. I had originally considered trying a TOM bridge, but the wooden one, whilst ensuring horrible intonation at present, does seem to impart plenty of warmth to the tone which has won me over. That said, I won't promise the one that's on there is staying. It looks to be built for a wound G, so unless I beef up to 13's (which is unlikely) the intonation is never going to be right.

There was lots more of this noodling, but a 1GB memory card doesn't go far when recording in 1080P stereo.......... (which is not what I uploaded BTW)

Oh, I'm using my home-made JTM 45 style amp here too and playing with my fingers so that's warming things up a little too