Rivera Fandango in the house. Hand-built in California.
Deep, oversized cab. Heavy iron. Both channels have an adjustable boost.
Can use a single patch cable in the loop, and lower the send/return volume controls for a built-in attenuator.
Great little trick for home playing, and a beast for the stage. I can't wait to get out there and gig with it.
55 watts (or 25 watts) of EL34 goodness.

The amp is like a swiss army knife, covering snappy, spanky cleans to Brit grind. I'll work up some clips to post.
The build quality of Rivera amps is top-shelf...pricey $$$$$$$ , but they are excellent buys on the used market. Got this on on 'the bay".
It looks brand new.
Weighs over 50lbs, so that's about as heavy as I'd like to go.