Quote Originally Posted by markb View Post
If you like Nikons (and I do even though I currently use a Canon) the D5100 is being cleared out at really good prices. Great low light performance there. There is no such thing as a good on board flash (except the Fuji X100) but, from experience, I'd say Nikon do better flash metering than Canon for instant gratification.

Also, camera bodies are transient while good lenses will last for years. Look into the lenses you need before committing to a system.

PS: you didn't process your own Tri-x?
Um, in 1981 for a couple/few months of school, yeah, a little. We had the full old school dark room. Did our own prints too. Learned to burn in, dodge, etc. Long time ago now. Now if I shoot black and white, I have it developed at the local photo store, then they can do prints for me. But that is really expensive, so I don't do that much. One reason I would like a DSLR. I think I will stick with Nikon, and even the lenses it comes with overlap with my current ones, I still may use my old ones occasionally, as I am used to them.