Pretty new here, been lurking around for a few month's, actually got here via a thread on Hell guitars while looking for some new equipment and liked the community. As a 'former' bass player I decided to take up guitar this year, so I recently sold a nice 70's Rick 4001, rebuilt and sold a 62 Ampeg Reverberocket amp and a mid-80's MIJ Strat and made some nice cash which started the funding for 6 new guitars and 2 amps I purchased this year (Whoohoo!) Currently have 3 Reverends (Reeves Gabrels Sig w/a Railhammer bridge pickup, Pete Anderson PA-1 Hollowbody and Rick Vito Sig in Deep Sea Blue), picked up a Hell No2 a few month's ago (nice Tele-clone) and have 2 Recording King acoustics (Rd-316 Adi/Hog and and RNJ-25 L00 clone with maple B/S - a real fun guitar!) Running through a Fender Supersonic 22 (plays clean or mean and everything between) and a Blackstar HT-5 (for quiet nights in the basement). Picked up a Line 6 M9 recently and am really starting to enjoy my new journey as a guitar player. Had a guitar player move in next door a few months ago and found out one of my other neighbors is a bass player, so we've started a neighborhood jam band. I also sit in with another neighbors bluegrass band occasionally, so been keeping real busy and working the fingers out pretty regularly. Looking forward to visiting often and gaining what insight in playing and music this sight has to offer...