Yeah.......the owners cry and cry.....reminiscent of some of the political crap we hear all the time......but I digress.

Your point is well taken and while I have no qualm with an owner making money (in theory, he is the one taking the financial risk)......I do have MAJOR problems with people screaming POOR ME while they have their hands firmly ensconced in the proverbial cookie jar. And therefore the owners of the Panthers deserve any media/public outcry they get.

As to Reavis......and I may be wrong here.....but if Reavis asks for a re-structuring, it's to get more money in his contract.......but when the team asks for a re-structuring, it's to change the pay-out of an existing contract......meaning that he will still get the full value of the contract but the payout will be altered. If I am correct in my assumption, then I don't have a problem with that.

I understand about getting his brain scrambled.......but you know I have a hard time with sympathy for that because no one is holding a gun to his head FORCING him to play football. He went to college, got a degree (or at least should have), so let him stand with the rest of us HARD-WORKERS who work full-time and don't get paid millions and really work for a living. lol