Quote Originally Posted by marnold View Post
Seriously? That's the conclusion you jumped to?

No, clearly you aren't an NFC North fan. Harvin is forever surrounded by drama of one form or another.

Two quotes from ESPN's NFC North blogger on Twitter yesterday sum it up perfectly:

I miss PercyWorld and its inhabitant

Could anyone have known Percy Harvin would need hip surgery? No. Could anyone predict something odd would happen around him? 100 pct yes.

I have no clue what those quotes are supposed to exemplify other than that I now know at least two NFC North fans that think it's odd when a football player gets hurt, or somehow thinks a player that's hurt more than once is up to some kind of weirdness.

Also, for credibility's sake, let's not go quoting ESPN bloggers. They're only slightly more credible than ESPN's on-air "talent."