Hey! What about me? The newb, Im new at modding...dont know squat about 'lectronics...and with the right resources, I figured this out too! And heck, Im the one whos gotta fix it

Ive been thinkin...I think Im gonna wire the bucker correctly and then order a new switch and then swap the front and mid pups...or just wait and do it all at the same time.

I think its kinda cool, this problem and all...I bought this Strat cause alot of people are buying the 51 to mod...but this just seemed like a better platform for similar dough...I think its cool that I kinda gotta mod it right out of the box.

Also at first I liked the idea of the Tele style knobs...but now, sittin besides my tele...the knobs look lame and out of place. I mean a Strat without a pickguard, has a bridge bucker and a CBS headstock looks strange enough...but I think I need knobs that are distinctly Strat, yet slightly different...Im thinking maybe Muddy Waters (tele)knobs?

Or just normal black?

Anybody suggest a good site for gettin Fender small parts like switches and knobs and such?

Thanks yall for all the help and suggestions.