When my son chase started out at around 9 years old I put on a set of 11's on his strat and made him beat his tips to hell and back!! He says to this day that was the best thing for him cause 10's are slinky and bends / hammer ons and pull offs etc.etc. are all easy for him.When he does take time off he never complains about tender fingers!!!

As stated have fun brother if things get complicated walk away for a spell then hit it hard again Rome was not built in a day. With only a few exeptions Like Duane playing like a hellhound chasing him fresh from the womb! In fact he probably had the riffs to Statesboro Blues worked out before the nurse/doctor could cut the umbilical cord

Please work on your minor/major scales along with a few others and your cowboy chords and or all major/ minor chords to start learning!! You will get a lot of fulfillment learning them and although challenging a lot of rewardS!