Quote Originally Posted by Tig View Post
In the tech world we refer to an old saying, "Paralysis through analysis."

I've not posted anything because my answer to the question(s) is, "Just play. The rest will sort itself out." I know, that's not helpful. I prefer to keep it simple and play the groove, similar to soul surfing.

This is just my philosophy, not bashing the thread. There have been several wonderful analogies, viewpoints, and useful ideas presented that I won't diminish for a second.
Ha ha, yes MLK used to say that about the Kennedy administration, Analysis is Paralysis. But for fun, I counter with Neitzsche's quote, "there are no data, only interpretations" which indicates that all acts are acts of analysis.

Probably a better Neitzsche quote, though thinly relevant " Life without music would be a mistake"