Found this last night and suspect a lot of people here might enjoy it.

It's a 1967 CBS television special hosted by legendary conductor Leonard Bernstein giving a very thorough examination of pop music as a serious art form. Interviewees include Frank Zappa, Brian Wilson, Graham Nash and many other musicians of the era.

I might also add that it's pretty disheartening that this sort of thing used to be broadcast on network television and now you'd never find anything even remotely like it even on the cable networks that allege to be about music.

This is something far different than even the more interesting "Classic Albums" type documentaries. This is much more of an academic approach, considering pop music as high art. Can't help but wish there was more of this and less "reality" on television.

One note, the video is far from a pristine release from the CBS vault. It was clearly converted from somebody's very well worn VHS tape. The subject matter was interesting enough for me that while I won't lie and say I didn't notice the tape skips, they were easily ignored.