* Masking off the area to protect the wood and a habit-

* This is done to not only to protect the wood, but to allow me to be able to see the center line once
we have it established-
* Center-Line

* By laying out the body on a board with graph markings allows me to use a drafting square to establish the center-line. There are several hints as to the rough location of this elusive line- 1- Strap Button. 2-Center between the pickup edge routs. 3-Centering holes created by the Fender manufacturing process.
* Routing Template Placement

* By using the center-line and the known distance for the bridge placement, I am able to place the tremolo route properly by using 2-side foam tape-
* Route the Body – The point of no return…

* Let’s route this puppy!
* Went pretty smooth-

So the body has been routed and I’m ready to begin the sealing process to prep the body for the finish-