My wife is a social worker outside of a big city and it's just beat her up over the last few months. She submitted her 2 week notice last week, is on call for another 7 days before she'll be unemployed for the first time in her adult life. I told her to take some time and find herself. She thought maybe she'd try to learn an instrument, something she always wanted to do but never had time for.

I'm trying to steer her to bass. I play guitar and sing (enough), my Brother-in-law plays drums... if we had a bass player we could be an all family band and that'd be sweet.

Her sister is trying to talk her out of it saying bass is too big, will be too tough for her... I just told her Flea is a tiny guy and he plays like a monster. I plugged in my Les Paul for her and put on a deep octave effect to get a big rumble and showed her single notes to hit to play under a few songs, and she loved it! She had a hard time staying in time sometimes, but that just comes with the territory of learning an new instrument.

Anyway, she's considering a keyboard or bass. I showed her those SX bass setups from rondo for like $150 with amp, anyone try those? Going down to one income will suck, but I'll dish out $150 for her to get something like that. I'm assuming the amp is crap but if it gets her moving, it's worth it. I still have my SX guitar and the thing obviously isn't the best, but I think it's a decent starter especially for someone that doesn't know how far they're going to go. I still play it in the band when I am afraid my axe is going to get trampled by a drunken person and I don't want to bring the good one. It's got dimarzios in the neck and mid position so its been modded.

So if anyone has any more ammunition for me to get her interested, let me know. She loves Pnut from 311 and loves Flea..., but I think she's intimidated by the amount of time and work I've put into learning guitar as an adult myself over the last few years. I'm not telling her what to get, I want the decision to be her own, I just want to make sure I'm giving her the room to think about things without commitment right now.

Here's hoping I get to start a new band (still looking) with my wife!