I have been wanting for some time a live playing opportunity, but oriented toward rock, especially a bit more modern and alt-ish, Basically a chance to get a little loud. So last week I answered an ad in the local paper I found placed by a local drummer who had been in a local band for 17 years that was looking for musicians to jam with, after the band finally broke up. I called the guy and he seems straight up, is interested in playing modern rock and into type of music I would like to play as well including Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, etc. He also would like to play around with some RHCP sounding stuff. Fine with me!

He wanted to get together just me and him and jam. That totally freaked me out as I have never tried to carry both rhythm and lead guitar in a trio, much less without a bass player. But, . . . just talked to another guitarist last night that might fit, has similar interests (though would like to work in some jam band type music ala Umphrey's McGee, and wants to experiment with just some jamming on our own to see what we come up with. I checked it out with the drummer, and he was cool with it, so this guy is going to join in too. He, and the drummer, were quite encouraging as I described my limited band experience and basically want me to let go and just start out simply and see where it goes.

We are getting together Sunday for a couple hours to try it out. I plan on having one or two songs over to the guys to look at so we can start with something I am familiar with. I am thinking "Elderly Woman" as I have been playing that a lot, and also Crazy Mary as it is simple, and leads into a long jam opportunity. Then just go with the flow. Stoked!! If this works, it could turn into the rock/modern/altish playing opportunity I had been hoping for!

Advice anyone?