I fell on an icy patch in my garage and blacked out, and hit my head hard. 8 stitches and I looked like I had been in a late night bar fight. I've developed a vertigo problem from this, which I'm getting tested for.

But wait, that's not all!

As I was getting better, I played the same riff for too long, and my hand got very tired. I didn't think much about it, but it turned to tendonitis and it's now so sore I can't play guitar.

I'm not saying this because I want anyone to feel sorry for me. I just want to say, be careful! Don't walk on icy roads when it's dark, and don't play the same thing for too long like me.

Perhaps there's a member here who has had something similar with their hand?

It's the muscle between the thumb and the index finger that is very sore.

I ice it often, massage the area across the muscle fibers, I do the physiotherapy-prescriped stretches, and take aspirin.

It's been a month now.