Got the new BYOC TMB 18W kit a couple of days ago, and here's two nights worth of build progress. First, I mounted most all of the hardware into the chassis, then wired in the mains power and the two transformers (power and output, a.k.a. PT and OT). This involved connecting:

* The rectifier tube socket wiring (the red, yellow and white wired socket)
* The filament heater wiring (green) for the other five tube sockets
* The fuse holder, power plug socket, indicator light, and main power & standby toggles
* The OT primaries (blue, brown and red wires) to the output tube sockets and dual filter "can" capacitor
* The OT secondaries (yellow, green and orange wires) to the output impedance selector switch inputs
* The output jacks to the OT secondary ground and chassis ground (black wires) on to the output of the impedance selector switch (short red wire, barely visible)

Also a front and back shot of the top of the chassis with the hardware mounted. As with the Brit 45 kit (JTM45 clone), this amp uses top quality Classic Tone transformers from Magnetic Components, Inc. in Chicago.

Will start wiring up the pots on the front side of the chassis next....