Anyone else have experience and/or advice?

I don't think there's many as chronologically advanced as me (just about 60). So it may be outside most realms. But I've been finding with increasing tendon and finger joint issues string gauge is getting to be more of an issue. I used to swear by 11s, then 10s. But the most recent Strat is still on its factory 9s, and I must say I am finding them much easier to bear, especially the day after a gig.

It is said that Billy Gibbons swears by sets that have an 8 on top.

I do miss the digging in feeling and tone that comes with heavier strings, but find my agility and soreness is much improved with lighter strings. Anyone else have thoughts or views? Obviously a matter of taste and preference but interest in other thoughts.

Also thought slide on a light set would be more problematic, but not so much with adequate restraint and care.