Hi. I'm Josh. I'm fairly new to guitar, been messing around on friends axes for a few years but never really applied myself. The last year or so I've pretty much always had a guitar borrowed from someone in my room, and I've been playing with a great classical nylon string that belongs to my dad. I finally realized I was addicted and, being a responsible person, that I should seperate my addiction from my friends - I.E. get my own guitar and quit borrowing them and refusing to give them back. I put a Fat Strat on my list (didn't think I'd get it) and lo and behold that big rectangular gift box appeared under the tree Christmas morning. Figured owning a guitar I'm legit enough to at least introduce myself so here I am.

As you might have guessed, I'm on the younger end of the age scale here (18). I've been playing piano/keyboard since I was about three (I have a Roland synth that I love). I can't read music, I play by ear, self taught, and unlike guitar, I'm actually really good at it. I love to improvise and make stuff up, I have little interest in repeating something someone else came up with. I hope that I can work up to a level of competence on the guitar that I can really apply myself there as well.

I love playing guitar at any level, the fun for me is in making something sound good with whatever skill level I'm at, and improving on it. I'm not particularly motivated to bust my *** working on it, I'm just in it for the fun, and I'll let things progress at their own pace. I'd love to set up a little band with some like minded friends of mine, but I'm not in any hurry. It's about the music. God knows there's too many lame high school bands around here anyway.

Earlier today I joined the (lets call it what it is) VX50 cult, I'm now out all my Christmas money and I have a pretty Vox inbound from North Coast Music. Thanks Robert for turning me on to the best kept secret in guitar amps - got to play on a 15 watt today and was floored. Can't wait until the 50 gets here.

I mostly fingerpick - don't have much use for picks, I can make the thing sound how I want without them, and it just feels right - I think my piano brain likes to keep fingers on both hands busy or something. I listen to some modern rock, but I'm not a big fan of the new three chord, three minute, three member formula bands that are so popular right now. I love everything from Trower, to Rush, to Big Head Todd and the Monsters, to Pantera, to Frank Zappa, to Knopfler (I especially love the sound of a fingerpicked Strat). Could name about a million more. I love the diversity of things you can do with a guitar. After school sometimes I'll just kick back in my recliner for an hour or two with my music collection on random shuffle and just listen. I call it doing my homework.

This is a great forum with lots of good people and a ton of knowlege . I'm lucky to have found it and I hope I can learn from all of you.

Did I mention I go off on tangents and type way too much? You probably figured that out by now. My apologies.