Quote Originally Posted by tjcurtin1 View Post
Thanks, Pie - I'm not a facebooker, so I appreciate your update!
I'm good thanks! Managed to gig Crash Pad a couple times in between operations (had jaw rebuilt, then complications) last year. We had a bandmember move unexpectedly, and between that and work have had a tough time getting the main band back on the boards.

Recently (about 3 weeks ago now) I played a reunion gig with the band I was in in 1989-90!

Here's a viddy (not sure if you can see it if you're not on fb), I don't really do anything but play rhythm on this song, but you can see I'm still alive. Also, fast forward through the first half of it, it's a long spoken intro:

I've been playing banjo and mandolin with an Irish band too:

Also in process of firing up my old friend's performance art collective, which has been on hiatus for about a year after he got married.

I'll be up in Jacksonville tomorrow for pre-op stuff at Mayo Clinic, have one more operation at the end of this month, supposed to make my neck look slightly less grotesque. We'll see how successful that is.

And I'm doing fine gear-wise. Ended up buying 3 Epi LPs last year, a Special, a Junior, and a Deluxe. Am considering an old Hagstrom Swede, but if I go for that I'll probably sell something I currently have. Also I've gotten a total of 3 of the old Marshall JCM 800 Series solid state combos, in the above video I'm playing a mini-stack of 2 of them (the Les Paul is the Deluxe).

Here's the current guitar stable:

Short version: I'm doing OK! Thanks.