Quote Originally Posted by sunvalleylaw View Post
Hey, PBP! Yeah, I like the stomp boxes too. I am trying to explore the M9 a lot more, and resist buying anything I think the M9 can do pretty well, but the simplicity and visual nature of an individual box tends to attract me. Right now, I am trying to figure out how to program a “Janglebox” pedal, which has compression, and some boost/treble boost in it into the M9. But I struggle with the compression aspect a little. Never really used one before. and somehow, looking at adjusting levels on that little screen on the upper right is less satisfying than turning a knob. BUT, that thing has a lot of stuff in it for me to try, without buying stuff if I just push through that laziness.

To the right of the Rodent is a DOD Carcosa, which is a fuzz that is quite versatile and could be used as a base tone pedal. Much less all on or all off as my EHX Lil’ Big Muff tends to be. It also can make things quite heavy (Think the band All Them Witches, for example).

To the left of the Carbon Copy is a Digitech Polara, which is a nice little reverb modeler. I was using spring reverb in my M9 before (the Fender Concert amp I am using this board with does not have a reverb, instead having a preamp based Vibrato with actual pitch shifting occurring), and could have just stayed with that, but the used Polara was a good deal, and has nice buffer, a lot of flexibility and different models in it, even more than the M9, to try. Not necessary, but I have it and like it. It also has stereo capability if I wanted that. So does the CE-5. So yeah, some duplication on the board, but that’s ok. The idea was to get stuff put together a lot better so I could experiment and see what I want.

Thinking the M9 will be a modulation section of the board in large part, and will end up being between CE5 and CC or between the CC and Polara, to leave that reverb last. Right now the M9 is last other than the Trio+, and as said, I think I will change that.

Right now, I am using the Catalinbread F55 as a tone foundation, as it is modeling a tweed 5E3 preamp circuit, and so shapes the tone of my brown Fender 4x10 and gets some nice tone and support that is really controllable via the guitar volume knob, at lower volumes. and then stacks really nicely with the other dirt. I do think I will move the ZYS after the C-bread to use as boost, both the screamer side and the boost side, depending on what I want, and put the little Spark boost earlier in the chain to hit the dirt pedals and drive them when I want. Gonna keep playing with those concepts.
Just curious as to how you compare the Catalinbread Formula 5 to their Forumla 55. I have the Formula 5 and it gives that mid-50s Tweed sound with a loose bottom end. Just wondering what the difference is between the two.