Thanks for listening. As far as the DAW goes, I have been using Tracktion since it first came out - some alpha version - and have stuck with them even when all thought they would go the way of the Dodo bird after Tracktion 3. After Traction 7 or thereabouts, Tracktion shifted to "Waveform" which is am improved uption Tracktion. In addition, they make VST instruments and plugins. I am a huge fan of there Master Mix. This is used to basically give a completed, polished sound to your recording. I'll post an example of this some time. It's an amazing plugin and isn't over-priced. Speaking of price, the company believes everyone should have the ability to produce the best music that they can and they always offer an older version of their current DAW for free.

It a nutshell, it is NOT software that emulates knobs and controls, it is meant to simplify your life and presents everything you need right in front of you in a logical fashion. It's intuitive to start using right away and it is an indispensable tool to record your music.

Pop over to their web site and poke around.
