A friend gave me an Eminence Red, White and Blues speaker, and I installed it tonight. Man, I am lovin' it!

It has less of a scooped midrange sound to it, which I like. It "spanks" more too - tele style of playing sounds great. I tend use my right hand fingers a lot when I play, and this speaker seems to react better to that.

I couldn't play so loud tonight since the house is full of kids, but I'll crank it more tomorrow at lunch...

One problem though - the hole in my Hellhound combo cabinet wasn't quite big enough, so the speaker is sitting 1/4 of an inch "above" the hole. Is that a big deal? The grill cloth with its velcro seems to stick there anyway. The screws were long so I just tightened them quite a bit and the speaker ain't movin anywhere.