I am done for a while. I still have one bass student, an older guy.

I need to rant now. I have been doing it a whole year now, and I need a break. I have found it interesting and fun when the guitar students come prepared. Too often however, they aren't, and usually don't practice as much as I'd like to see. Sometimes they don't show up and their parents tell me later they couldn't come. Happens too often, and it's quite annoying when you've prepared for the lesson that day.

If I take it up again, I'll prepare a course outline of what I expect from them, and what they can expect from me. You know, more like a contract, that describes how I teach and what they will need to do in order to have me as a teacher. Maybe this sounds strange, but I know private teachers that teach full time have this set up and guess what - they get students who are really motivated. Mostly because the word goes around, something like "that guy really puts expectations on you - don't bother going there if you're not willing to do the work".

Ok, rant over!