Most of you probably know/remember that I am a clergyman. Well, it just so happens that several of my brother pastors in the area got together to play some bluegrass tunes. Two of them play acoustics, one plays mandolin. In a former life I played bass in a bluegrass band. We had a conference yesterday afternoon and I mentioned to them that I was getting a bass again. It sounds like I'll be playing with them--contingent on my new Fully getting here and not sucking. It'd be just for fun, to amuse ourselves and maybe play at things like a pastors' conference when we're sitting around and having beers in the evening.

I'd rather be playing rock or blues guitar, but bluegrass bass can fill in. It'll at least be nice to put what I've learned over the years to use instead of just noodling around at home. I warned them that I might throw in a metal fill from time to time