Hi all,
I've been looking for a while for a friendly place to join, and this seems to be it. i like the atmosphere here.
I'm Ori, this month 33 y/o, from Israel. Been playing for more than 10 years, though never took a playing lesson in my life, until a month ago. Lately decided I needed a few lessons to move on and get better.
I like classic rock, blues, rock-blues. But any style with good guitars can turn me on.
My current gear is:
Guitars: Reverend Warhawk HB, Carvin Bolt T (kit), epiphone lp-100
Amps:Blues Junior (a week old, i was afraid it will be too loud but it has been great. I shouldn't have waited to long to get a tube amp...), Vox AD30VT
Pedals: SD-1, Fulltone 69', boss TU-2, AMT Tube platinum (hate it, selling it), tech 21 Tri-A.C (didn't deliver the goods also).
Also, I own a Zoom H4. Hope to post some clips done with this great recorder. It's good for practice in the late hours as it contains a mfx and a metronome.

That's it. Hope it will be fun