Hi guys, I just found your website yesterday and joined right away. I usually try to read guitar websites every few days. I try check out TGP, Harmony-Central, LPF, TFF. and a few other ones too. I am a married baby boomer who played guitar back in the 70's using a '73 Gibson LP Custom. However due to financial difficulties during that time I had to sell all my equipment. I have been married now for 21 years and have two teen sons. One son plays guitar and has a Strat and Epi LP. He is left handed so his choice of guitars is limited. I play mostly blues & rock. He plays more thrash metal. In the last few years I have been able to buy a few nice guitars and amps. My wife like the idea of me playing (she knew I played before but never heard me play). My son & I even play together sometimes. I have bought & sold some guitars & amps on ebay and thru some online forums. Now I have decided to sell some of my equipment to finance a new business venture so look for my guitars/amps/etc on TheFretNet. I hope to be able to contribute to the forums here and learn some new things too. Thanks for having a great forum. TJ