Hi everyone,

I’m Adrian. I love guitars and everything about them! I started “playing” (read: messing around with) guitar in my teen years. Now I’m 33 and some 6 years ago I started playing guitar, this time for real, though still only for my own enjoyment. My musical interests include just about everything: blues, jazz, classic and new rock, fusion and even some “tasty shred”.

I own two American Strats: a 2004 SSS 3-tone sunburst, a 2006 HSS butterscotch blonde - my main squeeze, both maple fretboard, a Burns Steer (a killer guitar, I’ll post some pics in an appropriate thread). I also have an inexpensive Ibanez and an 83 or 84 Hondo Les Paul copy; it’s my future project guitar, as I got it in a very pitiful condition. I also have a handful of pedals of which I use primarily a BD-2, and a Line 6 Spider II 112. I know it’s not much, but I’m working on it. My ultimate goal, finances permitting, is to have to climb on the roof in order to fit all my guitars and amps inside the viewfinder of the camera. (Sounds familiar?).

Anyway, I really love this forum! I’ve just recently registered, but I’m having lots of fun here. Just like many other members, I found this forum through Dolphinstreet, great work Robert, it’s a truly wonderful source of very useful information. :

This is all for now.