Quote Originally Posted by t_ross33
As mentioned in a previous post, I had my first ever guitar lesson today. It was pretty cool. The local guitar teacher has me on a standby list if he has a cancellation or someone misses a class, so I have to jump in on short notice.

He's going to work on some theory, scales, leads/soloing with me which is just what I need. Ran through maj and min pentatonic scales in various positions on the fretboard, some cool little bends and worked a bit on tying them together. : I have some work ahead of me, but it's so much better having someone show me, in 3-D rather than trying to glean it from paper or a DVD.

My skill level may just ratchet up a notch! Look out world, Rawk Star in the making

My teacher is a guitar player/vocalist/songwriter for THIS band.


Good for you. It would be interesting to get additional reports from you with feedback on how the lessons are going.