Over thanksgiving break I finally had my guitar finished. The wires were completely gutted and rewired including pots, switch, pickups, and grounding. I bought a 6-saddle bridge so I can get the intonation just right. New pickguard for looks. I'm pretty satisfied to say the least. The pickups are the Fender Noiseless Samarium Cobalt set. The are super quiet and sound great. The neck pup has that great smooth sound you love from a tele and the bridge pup is set to kick it into high gear when you want to. The middle setting using both pups sounds great. It has tons of solid tone on both ends of the spectrum with a good bit of attack. Overall I'm very satisfied with my guitar. It ended up costing me ~700(usd) total since i got the guitar used in really good condition for only 450. Here are a few pics. They aren't very good quality but its the only camera I got.