Hello there Justaguy or anybody esle. I need some help with home recording. I downloaded the Audacity recording program and the MP3 encoder and installed both on the computer. I have not tried anything as of right now, but plan to experiment later tonight.

I will be putting the guitar through my V-Amp2. From what I understand, no mixing board is needed with this unit. I will come out of the V-Amp2 into the mic input on the back of the computer. Under the Volume Control (window), I choose “line in” for recording.

I open the Audacity program and I am now ready to record. I guess when I am ready to record the guitar; I click on a track, hit the record button and start playing the guitar. When I am finished I just hit the stop button.

I have saved several of the backing tracks from other Fretters in my computer. Where I am having difficulty is I do not know how to get a backing track into Audacity to record over.

Am I correct in thinking that you can record as many tracks as you wish and then delete the ones that do not sound very good? This would leave the original backing track and the best solo track to make into a MP3.