I bought a Behringer guitar for $30 at a pawn shop. You can kill me now.

I could get the action at a decent height on the cheapie Behringer, but not as low as my Revs (duh!), so in a moment of wisdom, I decided it would be cool to have it as a dedicated Open-G tuning. The lo-fi (read: cheap) pickups give me the raw sound I like for distorted slide.

So I decided to record something to test the sound and eventually ended up with this:

Click here to download the backing track.

Yeah, bad slide technique, but screw it. It was fun.

Gear: Behringer Strat-clone tuned in open-G, J-Station with Tweed patch, Univox Hi-Flyer bass, Bonham drums I made from my home-made Bonham loops.

I hope you guys dig. 8)