I guess this is allowed on a Guitar forum?

I been enjoying my SynthSwells on the Digitech EX7

I have decided I want a small keyboard to set in front of my monitor.
The software included really does not matter as none of them work with VISTA!!

So here is what I boiled it down to..

Anyone have a clue as which is better?
Or suggest one that may be better in the $100-$130 range?

M-audio Oxygen 8 V2 -$119.00


E-MU Xboard 25 -$129.00


I really like the Keyrigs also by M-Audio for the software included.. but, does not work on a VISTA system..
so it's down to these..
Both suppose to be plug and play with VISTA
and than there is software like PianoFX Studio I can add later..
