Hi all about 6 months ago I was given by my sons guitar teacher a old no name jazz bass.
The pickups were stuffed he had tried defretting it in his youth & had done a bad job.
When I tried to fix it for him I found out the truss rod was busted.
So he gave it to me & we used it for 6 months as a wall hanger.
The other day on ebay I got a 5 string neck for Eden, I have ordered Wilkson tuners fron GFS & pots.
I have order a set of EMG passive 4/5 string jazz pickups, scored a basic 5 string bridge off ebay.
Any way heres how the project is going just body neck & old pickgarud . Other gear isnt here yet.
To widen the body pocket for the neck I used a thin disk in a 4" angle gring & wood chisel ( it worked ) I had to take 2mm off each side.

More pictures etc to come