Thanks, all My photography "skills" must be improving, because I really tried to show how remarkable the 'burst is on this one, and I guess it worked

This particular Casino seems to be everything it's s'posed to be. It was serendipity. I helped a guy get a Strat he wanted badly, adn this was my reward. As a tadpole, my first 'serious' guitar was its Gibson sibling, ES-330TD, but Cherry. After parting with her almost 40 years ago, this one's warm n' fuzzy. I'm a little (a lot, actually) tempted to go for as set of Gibson, DiMarzio or Duncan P-90's, and new audio taper or custom taper pots, 'just because' ... we'll see.

Hey, Spank...and that burst Dot of yours done with the gold hardware...sweet: You must be GASsing for a serious, serious axe to put that, the C-1 and the 'rodded Strat up for adoption.

I'll show more of the Sheraton II in its own thread.