My name is Peach...and...and...<sigh> I've got GAS.

Seriously, I'm new. I've been looking over the fence for a couple of weeks or so and finally got around to joining. Twenty some odd years ago I got the urge to learn how to play, so I took the old Kay acoustic off the wall of my parents house, had it restrung and totally drove myself nuts for about two solid weeks. That thing did terrible things to my I hung it back up. Fast forward to my new years resolution, 2008- went to my local music store, picked up a new Fender cd60 and a couple of DVDs, went home and have been driving my wife and kids nuts since then. I thought it was a safe habit. I won't need another guitar for at least 6 months or a year, I said. I'll wait until I feel confident on the one I have before I get an electric, I said.


Now I go back to my store weekly and lust after those fresh, new Strats hanging on the wall. And the Martins. Thankfully, they don't sell Washburns (I just want to play it to see the difference, I swear). And now I'm reading great things about these new $250 Squier Deluxe Strats, and I've never wanted a Pearl White guitar until now.

Oh, and that old Kay acoustic? In the garage. It's much easier to play than it was back then.

I'm Peach...and I have a problem.

Greetings to all.