Hmmm, I hate to bag on these guys but I just don't get it. With all the great guitars Gibson has created over the years, and all the knowledge they must have about building fine instruments, not to mention all the existing designs that they can re-spin (since they own the licensing for these designs) why do they waste their time coming up with crap like this? I must be missing something.

I also thought that their robot auto-tunning guitar was an equally dumb idea. Why do people need a guitar that tunes itself anyway? In my opinion, if you need your guitar to tune itself then you probably should pick a different instrument :-)

Why not focus on making a really interesting variation to the Les Paul that get's more sounds, or a cool twist on the 335 (the ES-339 was a great idea by the way). Or better yet, why not collaborate with an electronics company on a Gibson-designed modeling guitar that feels like a Les Paul but sounds like whatever you want. (that would be cool and it would probably outsell anything made by Line6 if they did it right)

Enough ranting, I must be getting too old to appreciate funky-shaped guitars :-)
-- Jim