I need some help here. In my previous post I did a review on a book that I purchased. See http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php?t=667

Here the situation. The examples that are given for backing tracks are absolutely fantastic. I love them all. I especially like the clear clean tones, along with some with a light crunch. I am thinking with my AD30VT, I should be able to come somewhere close to the tones in the examples. The CD has examples of Rock & Roll, Country, Funk, R & B, Blues, Reggae, etc.

Here’s my problem. Since I have little experience with amplifiers and their nuances, I have no idea where to start dialing in the amps EQ, and effects. I found on website that states a good setting to start with for Country is; Bass & Mids = 6 -7, Treble = 8-10, reverb on 3.

Does anybody know of a book written or a website that addresses a starting place to dial in the other tones mentioned above? I understand that a lot is in the fingers, but I need an amp baseline to start from.

Thanks for any help provided.