Hey there, i'm introducing myself a little late,but better late than never right?

Im 21,been playing for 10 years and I still ain't that great..but i love to play,isn't that the main thing? haha.

I like everything from Stevie ray vaughan, to Pantera,to clapton etc.
Sometimes I like slow blues on my strat,some times I like full blown shredding and dive bombs on my Bc Rich.My Favorite guitarists are Stevie Ray Vaughan and Dimebag Darrell (RIP both)

My gear consists of : An early 1990's BC Rich Ironbird, (hence my screen name!)
a 1993 Fender Duo-sonic Reissue,an art & lutherie acoustic ,A samick nylon string acoustic,Bc rich Gunslinger (early 90's),and my pride and joy (pun intended) 2008 Stevie Ray Vaughan Strat. My amp is a brand new Fender blues Jr.,a Dunlop crybaby,and a Cool cats Drive pedal.I am saving up for a Dean From Hell which is my second dream guitar.That pretty much sums things up! Rockon ! :