Well, it's here and it's soldered in place! My only gripe was that after getting it together I discovered that the Demon was out of phase with my Area 61s. A quick lead swap later and we're in bidness. Here are some before and after clips for your entertainment (or an unreasonable facsimile):

This is my previously-posted switch test. I'm using my Black 2x12 settings on my AD30VT. It is the Sweet Jane riff played twice while going through various switch settings. The settings are in order:
1) Humbucker only
2) Humbucker and neck
3) Humbucker and middle
4) All three pickups

Switch Test with stock humbucker
Switch Test with Screamin' Demon

For another clean test, I'm using the same amph settings as above.

Walk, Don't Run with stock humbucker
Walk, Don't Run with Screamin' Demon

Last, but not least, the obligatory "In My Dreams" using my newfound US Higain settings on my AD30VT.

In My Dreams with stock humbucker
In My Dreams with Screamin' Demon

The Demon basically gave me what I was looking for: more clarity, less output, and a little more snarl. That is very obvious on the clean tests. The heavily distorted version isn't anywhere near as obvious. That US Higain amp model really wants to inflict its will on the tone.

My soldering skills have definitely improved. I actually was able to use the desoldering braid halfway decently. I also learned that the volume knob on the AD30VT controls the output to the line-out. You'd think I would have figured that out earlier. Oh well. I also took some pictures so you can see the total transformation. I'll try to get those posted soon.