Baby Cobra is doing really, really well. She went for two sets of boosters in June and one set in July. Her next set is in October. If she's still pain free by the end of the year, she'll be declared in remission. She's pain free now and walking and going out with her friends and having a very "normal" life. We couldn't ask for anything more.
She used a walker, for the first two weeks that we were home from Germany. The doctor thought she'd need it for six months, but she was determined to walk on her own. She's doing much better than the doctor ever expected.
In fact, she's hoping that she'll be able to start college in the fall of '09. That would be so great! When she goes for her boosters in October, we'll be able to find out more as to when it's okay for her to be able to start doing things. As of now, her neurologist doesn't want her working, going to school, reaching above her head to get into cabinets, carrying a shoulder bag or lifting heavy weights. He also doesn't want her typing. So, she uses a voice recognition system to be on the computer called Dragon Naturally Speaking. He said it would be too easy for her to overstretch the nerves in her arms. He doesn't want her taking online courses at this time. He just wants her to relax, go out with friends, takes walks and enjoying being pain free without having any stress. It's too easy for the RSD to come back.
It just blows us away to see her walk out the house, go up and down steps, etc. when a bit over 4 months ago, she could only move her neck!!
Praise the Lord and DAMN; those German docs are amazing with what they can do. In fact, everything about the German medical hospital staff was wonderful. Gotta love 'em.