Although this forum is not heavily a Epiphone/Gibson forum, there are a few of you out there. Just letting you know that it's official, Epiphone (Gibson) has done away with the Elitist line of guitars. For the Epiphone lovers, this line was the prime or pinnacle of Epiphone ownership. For now the only Elitist that remains is the Casino, but not sure when or if this one will be discontinued.

I contacted Gibson and they confirmed the end of production on the Elitist line, but would not give any indication why. They also would not say if the Casino Elitist will eventually be cut as well. According to Gibson, there are no plans of replacing the series. Of course Gibson isn't going to share a whole lot with me, so it is anyones guess what will be next.

There are a number of rumors (conspiracy theories) floating around. The one that seems prominent is that the Elitist line was cutting into Gibson sales (doesn't make sense to me).