I don't have any issue with leaving them in. Right now, I'm just following the good advice I've read here regarding upgrading a MIM Strat. Shielding and a new trem to go in sometime in the next couple weeks. I thought brass might be better simply due to the density vs. paper/cardboard. Someone here used the phrase "silk purse from a sow's ear"...that's where I'm at now, just tryin' to do the easy things that will put some life into the ol' girl. I have a brother who's a machinist, so he can hook me up with the shim stock, which frankly, is why it occured to me first.

Off topic a bit, but the guy at the local guitar store told 300-400 $$$ for a fret job on me neck (new frets and full set up on them). Does this seem high or just my ignorance on the subject?