Helluva ingenious studio setup, John. Especially using the SUV in the garage to isolate the bass amp/cab. :

The BR1600 is a nice DAW to track with.

I haven't listened to the recordings yet, but I do have a few questions:
1. What are you using for your control room and/or main room monitors...or are the headphones the only means of monitoring in there?
2. Are all your headphones the same or are they a variety of models?
3. Which MXL condensor mic are you using? Is it a small or large diaphragm (LDC) mic? I'm guessing small, if you use it on the harp instead of the Bullet, a 'standard' harp mic.
4. Interesting using the bullet for distorted vocal effect... The 58's a good vocal mic...but you might try a LCD condensor...especially if you do any multi-part (group harmony) vox, since its higher sensitivity will pickup better than the 58 from a distance. If that MXL is one, have you tried it? To distort the vocal signal, you might try running the vocal mic(s) through either a tube pre-amp (ART, Behringer, Samson make good inexpensive ones---$30-$60) and/or through a chorus unit, live. Or you can try juicing a dry vocal signal at mixdown adding chorus (experiment with the settings) with the BR1600's onboard effect.