Quote Originally Posted by Monkus
Amazing photos guys, we should start an annual FretEvent each time in another country !!! (or state)..
Another, small private website I post on is doing that next weekend. This will be their ninth get-together. In the past they've always been far away from me in Florida; a couple have been in Canada, a couple in Colorado, last year I think was up in Pennsylvania.

This year, however, the "Moestock" (named for the host of the first one, who has since passed away) is up in the hills north of Atlanta. Although that's a 6 or 7 hour drive from me, I figure it's now or never, so I'm going. I have "known" some of these guys for well over 5 years on the internet and I'll not only get to finally meet them, but hang out and just play music for 3+ days straight. Room and board and drinks are all included, and a stage and PA and backline are all provided, for under $250 USD! I'm bringing a buttload of my guitars-- the rule with their gatherings is that if you bring it, anyone can play it.

I'm really looking forward to next weekend! Of course, this weekend is watching the end of the World Cup, so hopefully that'll be fun too.