Quote Originally Posted by FusedGrooves
Hi Perez,

My suggestion would be to wait a little longer and to keep saving your $$ until you can buy something a bit better.

Part of the problem with cheaper guitars is as above, the lack of QA and low level PUPs/Pots etc means usually they sound pretty average, and play even worse. I know of alot of ppl who have wanted to start learning guitar so they (or their wives LOL) buy the cheapest thing they can lay their hands on > the guitar sits in the corner never played because it sounds terrible and the player will generally lose motivation to keep learning due to how bad they sound, even though it's potentially the guitars fault.

Look at it these few ways:
1. You say you will buy something better soon anyways, my thoughts on this are always if you're going to spend say $600 on something - and the 'thing' you really want is $1000 I would definately wait until I could get the better 'thing' - You'd end up spending $1600 on 2 things whereas waiting a little longer you would end up saving $ or spend the extra you've now saved buying 1 'thing' you can purchase other stuff to compliment it.

- I apply this to guitars, pedals, motorcycles and just about anything I look at buying.

2. The more $$$ something costs me the more I am willing to use it/take care of it etc. Getting a GOOD guitar is much like a good book, it should make you NOT want to put it down > a cheap (crap) guitar won't do this for you.

However if you are serious about playing this may not put you off but you'd still end up replace it with something in Summer anyways and that'll be the axe that MOTIVATES you to play all the time.....

At your age, you can afford to wait a little longer too even if it feels like you're waiting forever. In the meantime do your research, save save save and you'll have the nice guitar in no time! OR look around for 2nd hand instruments as a quality 2nd handy will always be better than a cheap brand new guitar.

The way to handle the 'Mum/wife' factor (we all have issues with them LOL) would be to explain basically the above. She will see you waiting, saving and being focused which may help your cause as would getting your own part time job. Explain the differences between the cheapest guitar and the one you really want - as a parent myself I'd support my kids more in their choice if I knew it wasn't just a 'fad' where I buy some Gibson for lots of $$ and the kid never plays it and moves to the next fad. If my child said they wanted to play but were prepared to work more, save and WAIT for the good instrument it would show me it's not just a passing fad and I'd be alot happier about spending the big bucks.

Dunno that's just me and my 2 cents worth though.
i've never thought of that in that way, maybe because i want the guitar so bad...
ill try to save as much as i can and buy a real SG
tanks all of you for your tips