Quote Originally Posted by Heywood Jablomie
Well, jam-wise, it was kind of a bust, with us finding virtually no common ground in stuff that we each like to play. It was more funny than anything else. We're gonna trade some tabs in the future and see what we can agree to learn for the next session.

But we had a good time discussing guitars, mods, setups, forums, etc., and stuff outside of music, too. Sean's gear collection is very nice - I especially liked his Epi Tribute and his Agile 3000, which is a VERY nice guitar, and an absolute bargain for the price. Oh, and the $130 Tele was quite nice, too.

His music room is chock full of stuff, with a workbench overflowing with pickups, magnets, a Strat project...... Sean really seems to love tinkering.

All in all, a good afternoon.
Oh yeah, Sean's strat project. That's been on the bench for the last, um, what, three years now?