Quote Originally Posted by Lev View Post
Oldguy I'd love to hear your opinion on the Statesman. Over here in Europe the Quad 40w is €580 where as something like a Fender HRDlx is €825 and a Peavey C30 is €635. So with that in mind would you recommend the Statesman given that it's the cheapest of the bunch here in Europe. Any negatives to report with the amp? So far I've only heard good things about it but there's no stockists that I can find to try it out so I'd be ordering blind online.
I don't want to hijack the thread, but briefly I'd say the H&K sounds warmer, maybe more Fenderish in the clean side with the "twang" button engaged, than the C30. The OD side is not for heavy metal players, it works well for classic rock or rockabilly.
My unshielded Tele with the vintage Fender pickups makes the H/K hum pretty loud when you're angled wrong towards the amp, but that's pretty normal. The Tele's the guitar I like best through it though.
It's a little larger and heavier than my Traynor YCV-40, but that's not a negative so much as an observation.
The one thing I might pick on is that the OD seems darker than the clean side, and a little tone control/pickup selection tweaking seems to take care of that, as there are no seperate controls on the amp for the 2 channels.
I knew that when I bought it, and I've never had an amph yet that I was 100% happy with when switching from clean to O/D, unless it had eq for each channel.
Hope that helps.
Back on topic now, please.