Quote Originally Posted by Duffy View Post
It's a little metaphysical, but the guitar sort of reminds me of Arnold Swartzenegger playing Ivan Danko in the '88 movie, "Red Heat". There is just something about the whole vibe there. Very decked out and strong, but somehow clunky at the same time.

As far as the guitar goes at face value, it could be very cool to mess around with. I hope it turns out great.

The Soviets made a motorcycle called a "Ural". It has six or eight horse power - something like that. They might even still make them. I think it was a "people's" vehicle; very unreliable and almost impossible to get parts. It was an odd contraption compared to a contemporary Jap sport bike. Oh, they do still make them and they are probably about thirty, maybe forty horsepower, and are higher compression; but don't look too bad.
They also come with sidecars and 2 wheel drive. If I remember correctly they were copies of pre "Great Patriotic War" (WW 2 to most of us) BMW's