OK here's some more pics.

The neck is removed from the guitar in this shot to show the fret sprout on the last few frets. I'm going to glue and clamp them and see how I go.

Fret Sprout by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

Now here's the problem with the replacement tuners. The brass one on the bottom has a slightly wider string post spacing. Such a shame, because I think you'd agree, they would look amazing as replacements.

Tuners by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

The neck joint. Looks like it was made pretty well, even if it does appear to have two shims from new. Minimal glue, which has completely worked in my favour.

Dovetail by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

The neck part of the dovetail joint. You can see a couple of chips where the glue seems to have held, but nothing to be worried about.

Neck Joint by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

Now here's a question. At first I thought the pick guard was originally clear and had yellowed with age. But on closer inspection, do you think it might have been a tort pattern that's faded massively? That stain isn't painted on. It looks like its inside the guard material.

H'mmmm by Ch0jiN, on Flickr