Quote Originally Posted by Robert View Post
It seems Trump does stupid things almost every day. The Taiwan/China issue - that's not good at all. What could happen is that Taiwan get in deeper problems with China, and then expect USA to help them. I do not think it's a good idea for USA to piss off China.

His tendency to avoid media and call them biased (when he doesn't like what they report) is also scary. Their job is to challenge whoever is in government - without them we wouldn't have a clue what is really going on. The government is always challenged by media, and they should be. It's part of a democracy. So keeping information from media and slamming them when they reports things that put the government in negative light - perhaps that's what he wants? Immediately, names like Stalin and Mao comes to mind...
I would have to disagree using the word "stupid". Time will tell if what he does is stupid, he is not even sworn in yet. As far as China/Taiwan...China has been building up in the area for many years (Under Bush and Obama...maybe even Clinton)....and nothing has been done about it. I don't think the US should be afraid to "piss off" China, that just sounds like pure weakness and I believe a big reason why Trump won. People really do want change, maybe they'll regret it....but that's what it comes down to IMHO.
I also would not agree about Trump avoiding the media, it's true he has avoided some of the "normal media channels and expectations"....but he used social media and all of the media reported it 24/7....he out media'd Hillary while she spent 20 times more money than him. I'd call that smart. I don't feel Hillary was challenged much by the media at all....Bernie was (cause that's what the DNC wanted done). Bernie is the one that got screwed.
A totally agree with you that the media's biggest job is to challenge government, but they really need to do it evenhandedly, and YES that goes for both sides.