It was a lot of fun. All part of Humboldt's Summer Sizzler weekend. My wife was catering the gig. It was under the "big tent", but it was cool and rainy last night, so the turnout was pretty poor.

The keyboard player in our old band is big into sound reinforcement, staging and production now, so he was running sound. I know, or know of, the guys in the band, in fact I sat in with the drummer and bass player 5 or 6 years ago when they were in a rock cover band called The Flaming Sambuccas. That was my first time on stage with a real band in almost 15 yrs!!

I was drooling over that Gretsch... very rockabilly sounding rig, quite a bit different than my HB-30 with humbuckers, but I'm going to try to dial in that vibe. Very easy guitar to play, nice action (but Monty uses thin pics and I've become accustomed to thicker ones, oh well I can compromise . My wife was even quite taken by it, though not enough to say "You should buy another guitar" :

Other than that I drank too much Great Western Pilsner and had a blast "boppin' on the big dancefloor".